
Cosplay interviews! A weekly feature on Animetion where we talk to cosplayers on what motivates them, plus a cool gallery showcasing their cosplays.  Here we talk to UK cosplayer:

Name: Homan Cheung (a.k.a. Digi)

Q: When did you start cosplaying and how long for?

Well I started cosplaying around 2004, and I've been cosplaying since!  I remember how rubbish my first cosplay was, it was made so quickly and I didn't know much back then when I first started.

Q: What attracts you cosplay?

Well it's the fun of it all, just dressing up as your favourite characters and having fun in cosplay and of course making friends!  But at Kitacon I realised you don't have to cosplay to have as much fun as those cosplaying!

Q:  What has been your favourite cosplay?

ohhh this is hard I love all my cosplays, but if I had to choose it would be Jiraiya from Naruto.  Yeah I'm a narutard, but of course I love that cosplay as it was my most well received one!

Q: Most memorable moment whilst cosplaying?

Oh definitely at MCM London Expo a couple of years ago when I was cosplaying Jiraiya, a family asked to have their son to have his photo taken with me.  Definitely a awww moment, and it was awesome time as well that October.

Q:  Have you had any cosplays go wrong/encountered problems whilst making cosplays?

Oh many a time! Glue stains, and paint stains, sewing fabric the wrong way round, getting measurements wrong and things like that!  The usual sewing problems hahaha, of course now when i go to cons I take safety pins and my own emergency sewing kit.  When things go wrong it helps as I've learnt from my mistakes!

Q:  Have you ever regretted cosplaying?

It does depend, but sometimes I have, as you feel out of place, my family fails to understand the attraction to cosplay as a hobby and something fun!  They merely refer to my friends as the "ones that dress up", but I do enjoy cosplaying and that's that!  I don't think I'll stop anytime soon!

Q:  Have you ever done group cosplay? If so how did you find that experience?

I've done a few group cosplays before, the experience is fun, walking around as a group is funny as you're constantly stopped for photographs!  Always fun when you're trying to get somewhere! 

Q:  What cosplays are you planning?

Well I have a few for Ayacon to make still but I may only end up making two or one more depending on money.  I still have China from Hetalia: Axis Powers to make, and Raven from Tales of Vesperia (damn he's awesome) and of course Kliff from Guilty Gear, will take a while but that is always part of the fun!  Elizabeth from Gin Tama is also on my list of one day and of course Soul from Soul Eater and still more to list!  Probably some live action cosplays as well.

Q:  Do you have a dream cosplay?

Yes, Final Fantasy IX Moogle!  This is ultimate cosplay I think as I want to go all out on the details, as well as making a voice box that goes Kupo!  All the time!  There are others I have dreams to make one day but they're a little easier.

Q:  Do you have one piece of advice that you would give to cosplay virgins?

Don't be afraid to give it a go!  Sometimes you can cosplay just using bits of old clothing and don't be afraid to buy a cosplay.  As long as you love the character you'll have fun cosplaying, always enjoy yourself!

Q:  Do you have an account with the website Cosplay Island/other social networking sites?

Yes I'm Digi on Cosplay Island, but don't have all my cosplays listed yet though.  Does Facebook count as a cosplay social networking site?  Since half my photos are on here anyway!

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