
Cosplay interviews! A weekly feature on Animetion where we talk to cosplayers on what motivates them, plus a cool gallery showcasing their cosplays.  Here we talk to cosplayer:

Name: Holly Strain
(a.k.a. Miku)

Q: When did you start cosplaying and how long for?

I only started properly cosplaying when I registered for the Auchinawa anime convention.  I guess you could say I started back in 2004 though when I used to imitate Mana from Moi Dix Mois with my clothing and makeup.

Q: What attracts you cosplay?

I don't really know to be honest.  I like trying to be 'in sync' with the character I'm portraying.  Before cosplaying, I practise my character's mannerisms and tone of voice, to try and make myself seem better than the average cosplayer.

Q:  What has been your favourite cosplay?

My favourite cosplay has been L from Death Note.  While his outfit was nothing special, and I've done more extravagant outfits, I think that L's characteristics are the fun bit.  As I said before, it's not just about the outfit, it's about being on the same level as your character.  He is more interesting that other characters I've done.

Q: Most memorable moment whilst cosplaying?

Well I haven't debuted as a cosplayer just quite yet, but so far, the most memorable part has been the triumphant feeling of completing my first costume!

Q:  Have you had any cosplays go wrong/encountered problems whilst making cosplays?

I tried to cosplay as Daisuke Niwa from D.N.Angel, but my main problem with that was my wig.  I tried to cut, I tried to style it, and everything failed miserably, so I gave up after a bitter fight.  My friends told me the wig was fine, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to outfits.

Q:  Have you ever regretted cosplaying?

Not yet.  My friend and I dressed up in our cosplay outfits at college to get some photos taken, (I was Cissnei and she was Reno - Final Fantasy VII & Crisis Core), but then she lost her phone, so we had to run down to the college reception to pick it up.  Since it was our first time actually wearing our outfits (we were both first-time cosplayers), we felt incredibly awkward, and the stares from the passers-by weren't helping!  So yeah, I felt really embarrassed then, but after about an hour, I began to feel much more comfortable in my outfit.

Q:  Have you ever done group cosplay? If so how did you find that experience?

I haven't done a group cosplay yet.  Not many of my friends are into anime, and out of them, only one of them enjoys cosplaying.  I guess that you could call me and Sarah's Cissnei and Reno cosplay as a group one, because we were doing the Turks!

Q:  What cosplays are you planning?

For my next conventions, I'd love to cosplay as Light Yagami (Death Note), Rikku (Final Fantasy X-2 version), Seras Victoria (Hellsing) and possibly Krad (D.N. Angel).

Q:  Do you have a dream cosplay?

My only dream cosplay would be to portray Death Note's L in the perfect way.  I'm building myself towards that.  Whilst I'm taking pride in my Cissnei cosplay, L is my main outfit, and if there are any other L cosplayers, I want to stand out from them.

Q:  Do you have one piece of advice that you would give to cosplay virgins?

Put your heart into what you're doing.  Try and put yourselves in the shoes of the character you're portraying.

Q:  Do you have an account with the website Cosplay island/other social networking sites?

I only have an account on Cosplay Island - you can find me here:  http://www.cosplayisland.com/overview/Miku

(click any picture for a larger image)

Miku as Cissnei from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis CoreMiku as L from Death NoteMiku as Shou from Alice Nine

Miku as Cissnei from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis CoreMiku (left) as Cissnei from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis CoreMiku as L from Death Note
