
Tom (Webmaster)

Based on: 2 manga volumes

Publisher:  Dark Horse Comics

Would it surprised you if I said I enjoyed this more then Lone Wolf and Cub?  Found it more action-packed and fun?  Well that’s what I’m going to say as I really like Usagi Yojimbo.  The action is well paced and is coupled with good humour throughout, along with the moral implications of being the good-hearted wonderer.

The artwork works particularly well in Usagi Yojimbo as Sakai’s simple shade-free approach ensures that the action scenes are not confusing and you do not become lost in all the detail.  The angles whilst fighting could have been better, but generally there is little fault action-wise.

There are some faults in other areas though, most notably the stories are predictable and have little in way plot, even for a action title like this.  Also a couple of the stories are just a little too stupid and unbelievable – particularly the story which guest stars the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

These faults are minor though in opinion as the stories as a whole are very enjoyable and fun.  This is due to the straightforward action most samurai manga seems to lack and the also the fact Usagi Yojimbo does not take itself too seriously and realises what it is – a fun action romp and nothing more.  There is no study of the human condition here or the meaning of life here.

I recommend Usagi Yojimbo to anyone who loves all things samurai and likes their action pure and simple.  Do not let the fact that all the characters are animals put you off – this is a very enjoyable action manga.


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