
  Mean & Mercenary

UK Distributor:  Manga Video

BBFC Certificate:  18

Episode Number:  N/A

Running Time:  50 mins (approx.)

Language for Viewing:  English

Subtitles:  N/A

Reviewer:  Rich (Webmaster)


Note:  This review is part of our Drunk Reviews feature, hence the abysmal spelling and lack of any kind of sense.  To read our more coherent reviews, please visit our archive here.

To round off the night, unless tom gets a 2nd windm, is the '50 minutes of raw mayhem' knownm as Mean and Mercenary.  Thi DVD is a conpulationb of fights from lots of old manag films!  How can it be bad!

It starts well, with the awesome manga traiuler again, plus trailers for Street Fighter II, an d Fist of the North STar and the live actiopn Crying Freeman.  Then there;s a cheesy voiceover befor etings get goung.

tHE ACTON starts wuthFisto fthe the North star, where some ig bloke fihts agains Raoh's forces after turning himself to steelk,rocing!   Not that it does much good, Raoh kills him wiythj ease and then we get a bit foiKenshiro and then it's onto Crying Freeman, the animehd one this time/. a bt of action ensue sand thing it;s the turn of Angel Cop IV, and Mad BUll.  Both are syiuoibaly nasty and gory, specially the awful Violemnce Jack, which followrs next.  Then there's more Fist ofthe norh star and the excfellent invisuibke fiht scene from host Gostn the Shello.  Then we have some Street Fighter 2 Action, followed by a montahge and Cyber City Oedo.  then theres more cruing frwewman and the atrociouredxs Mad Bull, followed by goku Midmnght Eye.  It even has the Chun Li Vega fight from Strret fightetrfg II anbd Kusanagi'sfight with tjhe tank at the end of Ghost in the \Shell!

There's loads of stuff on here., bu8tr it's not very gppd withgouyh the rest pof the anim tro tell you aho trhe chatracters are.  It does have the epic final fist oif the noryth star batrtle between Kenshiro & Raoh thougj, which is exceptionALLY GORY. but doesn't have a real endin.  It's npot bad as a compilation, but iut suffors from not having anby context.,  decent driunken viewin thiugh.

Drunk Rating: 

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