
  Rich (Webmaster)

Based on:  2 episodes ('A Storybook Adventure' & 'Kitty's Clean Cuisine')

Pussy Galore!!!

UK Distributor:  Mosaic Movies (DVD & VHS)

This Review is part of an Animetion UK experiment, wherein we will watch some older anime titles whilst completely blasted on a variety of alcoholic beverages.  The results may be understandably incoherent...

Current Alcohol Level:  8 Cans of Carlsberg (440ml) & 1 'Ronin' Coctail (Saké, Vodka & Lemon Juice)

I'm very glad I saw this when I was still relatively sober.  I spose I shouldn't have expected much, but this was truly horrible.

In the first episode we watched Kitty and her sister Mimmy (where did they come up with that spelling?) are bored so decide to go on an imaginary adventure into Mimmy's story book.  The results are random to say the least, a harmless old biddy turns out to be an evil witch who is intent on enslaving them (so the English dub says, she is sharpening a knife at the time tho) and their knight in shining armour turns out to be a giant snowman rather than the rubbish prince who ends up being unfairly turned to stone.  The second episode is nowhere near as fun, with Kitty learning a valuable life lesson that eating food with dirty hands is BAD because of those evil GERMS and BACTERIA which can apparently give you a head cold.  Ooooh, scary.

The first episode is good fun but the second one is rubbish, the story book episode was quite random and had some quite funny moments but the second was just a cheesy parable to washing before eating, which is SO BLATANTLY OBVIOUS IT DEFIES BELIEF.

Basically, crap but quite funny in the first ep, glad I didn't watch it when I'd had more to drink, it would have been like having a sugar enema.

Best Bit:  'I'll save you!!!  errr, give me a moment...'.

Worst bit:  The shocking opening sequence.

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