
  Battle Angel Alita

UK Distributor:  Manga Video

BBFC Certificate:  15

Episode Number:  1

Running Time:  25 mins (approx.)

Language for Viewing:  English

Subtitles:  N/A

Reviewer:  Tom (Webmaster)


Note:  This review is part of our Drunk Reviews feature, hence the abysmal spelling and lack of any kind of sense.  To read our more coherent reviews, please visit our archive here.

This is already madew good by the fact that it has the old '90s Manga trailer on it - UH UH UHHHH!!! wahh....what's happening? I don't care but that trailer rocks!

INteresting scrapyard intro - DOh, ray...Egon!!! Apparently its amazing, but the BJD is Alita survived like a Toyota Hilux on Top Gear after all - fair play to her.

Ok so annooying kid with dress sense of great saiyaman as showed up, with just as bad a dub. Now evil upper-world type thing seems to be the plot, you know like an us and them type thing- they leave higher in the sky, therefore higher social status. Its a crap metaphor, but I'll leave with it.

SO basic plot - there is a floating island type thing which everyone wants to get to - its where the prosperity is! The land is a shithold where violence reigns. In fact - here is some violence now with some rubbish thugs! Whoa - jet-powered hammer action - nice! I'm starting to enjoy this.

Apparently jAMES Cameron is going to remake this - random. Although you have to wonder what'll it'll be like. Will the romantic crapness of Titanic (TAKE me to the stars!!!!) or the floating water heard (ala The Abyss) appear? Well its gotta better then the random completive wind blowing or crap thugs that show up in naked chick's room ja?

My God! Its a crap early 90's cyborg type thing! Hold on? What did the dog have to die in a THing type style - unnecessary! Kick that guys ass who killled the dog! Yes split the bastard in half and blow him up! Mint.

Wait - thats it? Was pretty good overall! Action, cyborgs, metaphors and drunkeness - AWESOME!

Drunk Rating: 

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