
 Rave Shintaro

Based on:  Whole series

UK Distributor:  Beez (DVD)

This a good launch pad for introducing newcomers to anime.  Despite its masterful tones of love, hate and loss it is an easy watch and you could put this one next to Akira as a show to start a friend off on anime.

The story is digestible and really doesn’t have all the plot loops and jaw dropping revelations of more complicated shows but if love hi-octane action - and huge mechs kicking each other in with a healthy dose of speed lines - then you will keep coming back for more.  The characters are well-rounded and it seems too much of a coincidence that their Gundam designs seem to match their personality.  Still, at least the show doesn’t insult the viewer by making this blindingly obvious.

I love the music by an accomplished Roxette style j-pop band.  The cheesy tunes suit the non-serious tone of the show as it never takes itself seriously.

Gundam Wing is great, great fun for the anime fan who is into it for the action and nothing more.  I love this anime like it was my own child and will cradle it to my bosom forever.

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